Last Update : March 13, 2025

50% Deposit bonus Tradeable – Trade12

Start trading Forex, CFDs, and Metals with three simple steps with Trade12 – Register, Deposit & Trade, and meanwhile get a 50% bonus on your First Deposit. Secure your trades with Segregated security funds and deep liquidity to ensure the best confidence in your live trading. In addition, enjoy a welcome bonus of 50% for all new clients.

Trade12 Forex 50% Deposit Bonus Forex 50% Deposit Bonus

Joining Link: Welcome Bonus

Ending Date: December 31, 2016

Offer is Applicable: New clients.

How to Apply:

  • Register a Live account
  • Make a deposit
  • Request for the bonus.

Bonus Cash Out:

  • Need to full-fill the trading condition before withdraw both Bonus and profits.

More Details – Trade12 Forex Deposit Bonus

General terms and conditions apply.

Find all other require information from their bonus terms and conditions.

Octa Broker logo


Min.Deposit: 25 USD

Regulated: FSCA

Max.Leverage: 1:1000

Country: Array

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Headway Broker logo


Min.Deposit: $1

Regulated: FSCA

Max.Leverage: 1:2000

Country: Array

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ZForex Broker logo


Min.Deposit: $10

Regulated: MWALI

Max.Leverage: 1:1000

Country: Array

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XM Broker logo


Min.Deposit: 5 USD

Regulated: ASIC

Max.Leverage: 1:888

Country: Array

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InstaForex Broker logo


Min.Deposit: $1

Regulated: FSC of BVI

Max.Leverage: 1:1000

Country: Array

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  1. I’ve already open an account with Trade12 and the bonus was not 50% but 200%. This broker works also in my country, Italy, yesterday was the Republic Day and in that occasion they offer 200% of the bonus. All i had to do is
    take this chance and i did it :).

  2. Trading is a great opportunity and the broker is really important so there are a lot of elements to be evaluated. I can say for sure that trade12 is a great broker and the deposit bonus is not the only advantage.

  3. They offer a great opportunity with the bonus of 100% and other advantages are the low spreads and the leverage. I’ve contacted them several times and they seem patient and polite. I would say their overall service is 9/10.

  4. I came into a lot of good reviews for this broker and I’ve seen their commercial even in the football matches. For the moment I’m glad to have chosen them and hope they continue make me gain.

  5. I’ve started trading with this broker 5 months ago after receiving a call from a polite guy. Somehow i requested their call after registering my number in a trading site. In these 5 months I’m feeling good with the profits and with the way they treat me. My account manager is well-informed and guides me in every operation i make. I still cant make it alone so I dont operate by myself.

  6. Having tried different brokers in these two years of experience I admit that this broker has found a balance between professionalism, ability and politeness. The information they provide is accurate and helpful. Customer care guys are polite and patient it seems they never get tired of my questions. When my account manager calls I know there must be any big operation to make.

  7. I just closed my deposit with another broker because of the lack of service and support from them. It seems they are interested only in the big deposits and dont have time to lose with the smaller ones. Some friends suggested me to start trading with trade12 and I did as they told me. For the moment I’ve contacted with the support guys and they seem to be helpful and informed about everything. As a new customer I like their platform and bonus.

  8. I havent opened an account yet but I just want to make sure Im making a good decision thats why im looking at the reviews. As I see here most of users are happy with this broker so im considering the possibility to open the account with them. I have seen also their tutorials and they seem understandable.

  9. I’ve been thinking of opening an account with a different broker because my broker is not fulfilling my needs. Its been a while trading with my actual broker and I dont see any good result. I started trading at the same time with my uncle and he has now doubled his deposit, he’s trading with trade12. I’m considering in changing the broker and opening an account with trade12.

  10. I registered at a financial site only to get some information and the day after I received a call from this broker. He convinced me after giving a couple of advices to open a deposit with a minimum amount. After some operations I gained little profits. It was not much, considering the fact that the deposit I opened was minimal, but it seemed like a good start. Now I’m starting to like trading and getting to know more about the finance. It seems a good option to make monthly profits

  11. Sono una persona che frequenva due broker diversi. I miei profitti non sono aumentati piu’ di tanto forse perche’ non ho trovato dei account manager informati e non mi hanno consigliato delle operazioni profittevoli. Un mio conoscente mi ha suggerito il trade12 e dando un occhiata ai diversi siti ho letto dei comenti positivi. Ho aperto un conto dal loro sito e subito ho parlato con una ragazza che mi ha spiegato bene come funzionava la piattaforma il bonus e tutto. Dall’inizio ha deciso di fare delle operazioni, sempre seguito dal mio account manager e ho visto che il mio profitto stava aumentando. E’ proprio quello che cercavo e spero che continui cosi.

  12. Ultimamente sto passando piu’ tempo a fare trading online. Prima passavo solo 1 ora al giorno e con i rari segnali che ricevevo dal mio broker ero contento. Da quando ho perso il lavoro ho pensato di dedicarmi di piu’ al trading e ho chiesto al mio account manager di seguirmi piu’ frequentemente per aumentare le operazioni ma da lui ho avuto un riscontro negativo anche se mi aveva promesso che sarei stato nella sua ‘top list’. Cosi operando da solo ho perso la magior parte del mio capitale ed ho deciso di cambiare broker. Ho letto delle diverse opinioni positive e negative riguardante trade12, ma da quello che avevo letto anche per il mio broker precedente ho deciso comunque di provarci. Ho reso chiare le mie necessità al primo ragazzo che mi ha chiamato per far si che non si ripetesse di nuovo la stessa situazione precedente. Lui mi promise che sarei stato seguito dal account manager quasi tutti i giorni quando ci sarebbero state operazioni vantaggiose. Adesso sono già 2 mesi che opero con trade12 e posso dire che tranne alcune perdite (che possono eserci sempre) tutto va bene. Sono contento per il momento e spero che possa arrivare al punto di poter evitare anche il lavoro quotidiano.

  13. It’s been about 1 year that Im trading and my earnings are minimal, my account manager isn’t paying attention at my operations and most of the signals and advices he gives me have resulted negative. He helped me at the start and then asked me to invest more but I refused. This might be the reason he doesnt help me anymore. Im considering to change my broker and maybe I may start trading with trade12 because my cousin is obtaining nice gains.

  14. A me piace fare trading da cellulare, e con l’applicazione android riesco a fare tutto indipendentemente da dove mi trovo. I mercati finanziari online sono diventati tecnicamente accessibili a tutti o almeno a coloro che dispongono di una connessione. Trade 12 il mio broker preferito, non solo perché e’ facile da usare, ma perché mi fa guadagnare con semplicità grazie all’ottima piattaforma che offrono

  15. Io utilizzo questo metodo da anni e mi e risultato un metodo abbastanza buono per avere dei guadagni extra. Ma solo perche faccio trading da un po di tempo non vuol dire che sono un professionista. Sempre chiedo aiuto al mio consulente prima di effettuare un operazione e lui la maggior parte dei casi e disponibile e mi da’ dei consigli su come operare. Per quanto riguarda la piattaforma posso solo dire che e veloce e l’esperienza diventa piacevole. Io intanto mi informo ogni giorno sulle novita del mercato per essere aggiornato perche solo cosi potro al futuro operare in autonomia.

  16. I lived in America for a long period of time and there I came across this method of gaining. It was well-known there and a lot of people used this method. I started with a friend only to try if it was really a good way to gain and then we continued for a long time. I was constrained to return to Europe due to some problems and I started searching for a reliable broker. On different websites I saw the advertisements of trade12 and decided to have a try. They have a nice way to work with their customers so I’m happy for the moment.

  17. Ho iniziato di recente a far parte del trading online siccome prima ero un poco scettico leggendo le recensioni su diversi forum. Le esperienze negative delle persone mi hanno frenato molto. Ma alla fine ho deciso di provarci. Ho aperto prima un conto demo con trade12 essendo che era uno dei broker con le recensioni più alte poi ho lasciato un appuntamento con un consulente ed ho aperto il conto reale. Sono già 2 mesi ormai che opero con loro. Non posso dire che ho avuto solo operazioni positive ma comunque ho guadagnato di più di quello che ho perso. Per il momento sono soddisfato e non so il perché la gente da la colpa al broker quando perde. Sono cose che succedono a tutti. Non è micca facile a fare soldi.

  18. Ho voluto scrivere solo per raccontare anch’io la mia esperienza con il trading. La prima volta ho iniziato con un broker poco professionale. Essendo che non sapevo di cosa si trattase ho chiesto ai ragazzi di spiegarmi il funzionamento ma loro mi hanno solo detto che mi dovevo fidare di loro e pian piano avrei imparato come funziona ma per non perdere tempo loro mi avrebbero consigliato tutte le operazioni e io nel frattempo che imparavo potevo anche guadagnare qualcosa. Non ho fatto il tempo a imparare come funzionasse perché ho perso l’itero importo depositato in pochi giorni in operazioni che loro li chiamavano ‘sicuri’. Dopo tale esperienza li ho lasciati e ho cercato un altro broker. Ho trovato trade12 e per non fare lo stesso sbaglio ho chiesto all’assistente di speigarmi la piattaforma. Lui mi ha consigliato di aprire prima un account demo per non correre ma prendere la cosa passo dopo passo. Già l’inizio è buono. Adesso vediamo come andrà…

  19. Some months ago I was called from this broker to open an account with them but I wasn’t convinced. However I decided to open a mini account and I don’t regret my decision. Trading is a good method to make money but it’s also risky. Self-controll is the key to success because you limit your losses if you trade only when your account manager tells you to. I dont want to risk my savings so I trade in small amounts and in percentage of gaining I’m satisfied until now. Maybe in the future I’ll raise my account to gain a little more.

  20. Ragazzi io non sono qui ne per giudicare ne per andare a dire agli altri cosa devono o non devono fare.Vorrei condividere la mia esperienza con voi. Posso dirvi che sono operativa nel mondo del trading da piu’ di 8 anni ormai e mi sono permessa di dare giudizi riguardo ad un broker dopo aver aquisito fiducia come prima cosa in me stessa. Ho perso , e posso dirvi che ho perso molto di piu’ di quello che voi potete immaginare perche’ eseguivo cio’ che mi veniva dettatto dai fantomatici consulenti di varie societa’ che ho provato, senza seguire nessuna logica e senza capire cio’ che stavo facendo. Nel corso del tempo ho studiato e faticato molto fino a diventare indipendente e oggi posso dire che nessuno puo’ “fregarmi” ma tanto meno incolpo nessuno per sentirmi meglio quando si trattava alla fine di mie incapacita’. Attualmente oltre a fare trading da me, testo vari broker e fra tutti posso dire che la Trade12 da un’ottima possibilita’ di formazione che per me se non si e’ capito e’ l’aspetto piu’ importante.

  21. Taking a look at the reviews in some websites I was really surprised at how competitors may distort reality about some brokers. I’ve been trading with trade12 for a long time and never had problems with their service. Started with a small account and they made me gain and expand my deposit. Maybe it’s because of my account manager that I’ve managed to gain so much in this period but however with the previous brokers couldn’t even get in touch with my account manager. I’ve made a withdrawal last month and it was completed in 10 days , 4 days more than the normal period. So I think the major part of negative reviews about this broker are fake.

  22. Sono un po’ perplesso sul modo del funzionamento del trading, perche’ mi sembra molto interessante come idea. Sono interessato a cominciare il trading perche’ il pomeriggio sono sempre libero e mi hanno suggerito questo modo profittevole per poter passare il tempo. So benissimo che ci sono dei rischi pero’ io voglio depositare solo una somma piccola. Persone che conosco mi hanno suggerito questo broker siccome sono un principiante e credo che questi giorni mi informero’ e apriro un conto con loro.

  23. Io sono un principiante nel trading e sto operando con la trade12 principalmente sulle valute,ho ricevuto chiamate da diversi broker ma mi trovo benissimo con loroe hanno degli ottimi spread posso dire fra i piu’ bassi in circolazione per chi e’ un principiante e ovviamente non nascondo che le analisi mirate che mi inviano sono piu’ che comode per chi non ha il tempo di seguire le notizie e gli andamenti.

  24. I didn’t trust the google ads about gaining from home until a friend of mine explained me how to start operating in online trading. However I was skeptical about this new method and I didn’t intend to start. But then he showed me his gainings and I started reconsidering. I decided to open a small account with trade12, the broker my friend was operating with and started immediately operating with the demo account. The demo account was a huge help for me and the 5 risk free operations too. As expected they even gave me the bonus as promised.

  25. It was the first time I was doing trading and I started with trade12. This broker and also trading has been suggested by a friend of mine who has been operating for years in the stock market with online trading. Since I was inexperienced, I asked for the assistants’ help on how to operate with the platform and how it worked. They advised me to start initially with the demo account to get familiar with charts and operations. They also said that videos in the website help a lot. As a matter of fact, they did so. Now it has been almost a month since I’ve opened the real account and what my friend advised has been really helpful to me. My adviser has been more helpful than the videos and the demo account, and he is the one who made me realize the profit method and strategies on how to operate.

  26. It’s been about 14 months trading with trade12 and I admit that it hasn’t been easy to choose this broker because they were new in the market. However they convinced me with their conditions and bonus. After deciding to open the account, a girl from the customer service called me to explain the platform and then they generated me the bonus. As always they gave me the 5 risk free operations and trading with the help of my account manager I finally had some profits. Generally I’m satisfied by this broker and I think I’ll continue trading with them for a long time. I’ve heard that they offer a free training course before starting and this surely helps all those who want to start trading.

  27. It wasn’t easy starting a completely new experience without having any information about it. 7 months ago I decided to start trading and it hasn’t been easy. My account manager advised me about the risks that I would have gone through. I’ve seen a lot of people giving up after 2 or 3 months because they weren’t able to handle their emotions and fear. I would have been one of them if it wasn’t for my account manager. He explained me from the start how trading works, advising me about the risks. At the beginning I’ve traded only with my account manager’s advices because I wasn’t ready to trade alone. Now, 7 months later I only make small operations on my own and the bigger operations consulting him.

  28. I was called by this broker to start trading with them and have the possibility to gain something monthly. I started with the demo as they told me because I’ve traded before but not with the mt4 platform. As I didn’t want to risk I opened a small account with them to see if I will be able to obtain any profit. In the first week I wasn’t able to gain because I made two negative operations but in the second one with the help of my account manager I managed to gain 10% of my deposit. I want to grow my deposit and start trading only with my profits.

  29. I’ve heard my friends talk about trading so I had an idea what it was about but however I had never operated before. After subscribing in a financial site, I received a call from a trade12’s consultant. He tried to explain me how trading functions with their company and which were the steps I should follow to get started. He also told me that they send signals twice a day and there’s an account manager who would help me with the operations. In fact, this is exactly what happened. My account manager called me and explained everything, where to invest, when to invest and how to understand the signals. Operating with my account manager’s advices I managed to gain or close the operations in profit, but I couldn’t control my emotions so I lost something trading alone. However, at least they helped me recover it.

  30. Trading is a good way to make some extra money and it’s composed of many elements. Each one of these elements is important. So, the choice of a trader depends on what he is searching from a broker. I chose trade12 because their conditions were closer to my requirements. I open a lot of operations so I had to choose a broker with low spreads and good leverage and they offer exactly this. After about a year operating with them, I noticed that they are also correct with their customers with the appointments and withdrawals.

    1. I started last week with this broker because I saw their conditions and the good reviews in the web. They have given me the bonus as promised and called me to explain the main features of the platform. I’m still trading with the demo account because I’m not the type that likes to risk. I may start next week with the live account and want to know something more about this experience. I want to know if the live account and demo account have the same features? How often will my account manager call me? Any suggestions about trading in general? I would be thankful if anybody would answer to my questions.

  31. Trade12 made me change my mind about things done via phone or internet. I always thought they were scam. When they called I wasn’t interested in these things but after they offered me the first risk-free operations I wanted to try it just to see the way the operations worked. They told me that this approach with the first risk-free operations was made for clients like me who were doubtful at the start. They have no other methods to present the company and their services to the clients. The assistance they gave me was priceless and my account manager has always been available when I needed him. They have never disappointed me.

  32. Dopo diverse chiamate e appuntamenti ho deciso di provare. Mi hanno proposto un corso formativo prima di cominciare con il conto live, 5 operazioni coperte dalla societa e anche un bonus del 100% e alla fine se non mi sentiro pronto ad iniziare potro’ prelevare tutto. Mi sono consultato con un amico che capisce dal trading e mi ha detto che hanno delle condizioni molto favorevoli e forse cominciera anche lui con questa societa.

  33. I’m very busy because I work almost all day but however when it comes to trading I always find 30 minutes to dedicate to my account managers advice or the signals they send. I can’t say that their signals are 100% accurate but at least most of them have brought me a great profit.

  34. Opero con la trade12 da molto tempo, posso dire che offre un’ottima consulenza e brevi tempistiche di prelievo. Diversamente da cio’ che ho letto in giro la mia esperienza con loro e’ assai reditizia.

  35. I’ve started with trading some time ago and I know how it feels when the broker tries to make you lose. I wasn’t aware by the fact that my broker was a market maker and was trying to make me lose everytime. After reading some articles about trading I understood that I should change broker. I decided to join trade12 and since then I have been comfortable because I know that they are trying to make me gain they have showed it with the signals they send.

Disclaimer - The Promotion, reviews and other information are written and posted here just for the informational reason only. which must not take as an invitation or inspiration to invest in the Financial Market, as Trading leveraged products such as Forex, CFDs and Binary Option, Indices and cryptocurrency involves significant risk to your invested capital.
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